
Lot many marriages without adequate information about the prospective bride and bridegroom, their financial status and family lead to unhappy and broken marriages.

The information could relate to the following aspects:

Temperamental details.
Relations with other men/women.
Job profile and reputation in the workplace.
Previous marriage if any.
Medication Misuse.
Revolution has invaded the sanctity of the institution of arranged marriages, unlike the earlier days when marriages were held usually within the known families. With the changed scenario, now marriages are being mostly arranged through unfamiliar sources such as websites and newspaper ads. This is where Dehradun Intelligence steps in. We provide services for pre-marital verification. We not only confirm the details provided by the other party but also provide with a detailed analysis of the prospective bride /groom. pre-matrimonial in Delhi.

1. Relations with other men / women: The prospective bride / groom’s current relationships sometimes tend to continue even after the marriage that tends to become a continuous source of conflict in their later married life. Knowledge of prospective spouses current and wherever possible past relationship will go a long way in making an informed decision about the marriage.

2. Financial Status: This has to be thoroughly and very confidentially checked to enable the client to get a clear picture of the expected living standard the alliance would bring about, rather than be disillusioned later, that may lead to a breakup.

3. Employment / Business Details: Investigation entails one to probe deeply into prospective groom/ bride’s professional status, especially with high sounding designations for low-performing jobs as is in the vogue nowadays. In case the prospective spouse is in business we can ascertain the financial health of the business.

4. Concealed previous Marriage / Divorce: Needless to say, any concealment in this area has potential to create havoc in married life. But any such information if thrown up by a pre-marital investigation can save a lot of harassment later in life when confronted with litigations for alimony or maintenance of children living with the estranged spouse.

5. Criminal Activity: Involvement in criminal activities is one aspect of a person that comes to the fore only after the deep probe. Money spent here is worth its weight in gold if any such nefarious activity is detected before tying the knot.

6. Medication/ Abuse: Addiction to Medication/ can be the source of major financial stress besides having the far-reaching psychological impact on both the addict and partner. Knowledge of these addictions is a must prior to taking any decision about the marriage.

Our scriptures have proclaimed that marriages are made in heaven, the Dehradun Intelligence expertise in pre-marital verification goes a long way in ensuring marriage remains that way.